Father Kearney is brutally murdered while giving confession. James is torn while collecting.
(Stars Alan Duggan, Matthew Mackay, Frank Scorpion)
James gets a unsuspecting call for his Uncle in Canada. Life in Belfast is becoming troublesome. Time for a vacation?
Starring James McGowan, Chris MacCabe, Alan Duggan,
The O'Malley's are banging heads with each other. Detective O'Neil feels she's on to something. And there's an Itie in the pub.
Starring: Patrica McKenzie, Adam Lolacher, Nick Ballie, Brian Stillar
Has Keiran gone to far with Jimmy G? The Baby O'Malley gets taught a lesson.
Adam Lolacher, Donny Quinn, Nick Ballie
Uncle Frank calls a meeting. Detective O'Neil stumbles upon hidden info.
James McGowan, Patrica McKenzie, Adam Lolacher,Nick Ballie, Mathew McKay,
James tries his luck entering Canada. Franks calls in a favor. O'Neil has another body on her hands.
James McGowan, Patricia McKenzie, Brain Stillar,Alan Duggan, Matthew McKay
The Assassin is looking for his net fix. James has an unexpected surprise.
Alan Duggan, Matthew McKay, Carlo Escobar
James heads to Fr. Kearney's funeral. Standoff between Irish and Italians.
James McGowan, Alan Duggan, Donny Quinn, Anthony Mancini, Trevor Hayes
The Irish and Italians square off. Detective O'Neil shows up. James receives a package.
Starring James McGowan, Patricia McKenzie, Alan Duggan, Adam Lolacher, Nick Ballie, Donny Quinn
Uncle Frank holds a meeting. James, Mo and Gerry are on a stackout. The Assassin goes hunting.
Alan Duggan, Nick Ballie, Matthew McKay, Brain Stillar
Scuffel at the O'Malley's house . The Assassin holds family hostage.
James McGowan, Alan Duggan, Adam Lolacher, Nick Ballie, Matthew McKay
James has a sitdown with Jimmy G. The Italians show up at the meeting place.
Alan Duggan, Donny Quinn, Anthony Mancini
The MYSTERY man makes an appearance. James gets attacked in jail. Big Red has a conversation with James. Detective O'Neil has her suspicions.
Alan Duggan, Chris MacCabe, Patricia McKenzie, Richard Zeeman, Matthew McKay
James is released. Party at the pub. Irish and Italians conduct meeting. Road Runner gives James some information.
James McGowan, Alan Duggan, Adam Lolacher, Nick Ballie, Anthony Mancini, Donny Quinn
Detective O'Neil gets a warning. James and Mo look into Assassin background.
Alan Duggan, Patricia McKenzie, Frank Schorpion, Nick Ballie, Matthew McKay
The Assassin is on a mission. Attack on the O'Malley home. Kieran attacks James. The boys get high.
Alan Duggan, Adam Lolacher, Nick Ballie, Matthew McKay, John Griffin Jr
The Warden is moving pieces. The boys meet at Mother O'Malley's. Trouble is brewing.
Alan Duggan, Adam Lolacher, Richard Zeeman, Chris MacCabe, Nick Ballie, Trevor Hayes,
RoadRunner has a date with the Nuns. The Assassin does the unspeakable. Keiran has a meeting with Jimmy G.
The Assassin is on the move. Uncle Frank has been taken. James makes a decision.
Jame McGowan, Alan Duggan, Nick Ballie, Matthew McKay
Another package arrives on James doorstep. It's all or nothing for James. Kieran gets his revenge. The container arrives at the docks.
James McGowan, Alan Duggan, Adam Lolacher, Nick Ballie, Matthew McKay, Donny Quinn, Anthony Mancini, Trevor Hayes
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